Pilgrims Way

Provincial Grand Master,  Brother Bill Rocks announced that his challenge for this year was to raise funds for Maggie's Cancer Caring Homes, as such Bill, accompanied by Brother Alan Morgan, intends to walk, "The Pilgrims Way Fife." over three weekends in June, A distance of some 65 miles.

The fourth stage of the walk was completed on Sunday 09 June 2024, when the brethren walked from Markinch to Ceres.

Donations towards this worthy cause would be most gratefully received and appreciated. You can donate  by cheque made payable to Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross and sent to Provincial Grand Secretary or by Bank Transfer to Provincial Grand Lodge Bank Account Sort Code: 80-06-55 Account Number: 00659118.

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20 Jan 2025;
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Lodge St. Regulus No.77
20 Jan 2025;
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21 Jan 2025;
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The Lodge of Kirkcaldie No.72
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