Provincial Grand Lodge Golf Day

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross held a charity golf day on Sunday 30 August 2020. The day was well supported with golfers from not only Fife and Kinross but other provinces around Scotland supporting this event.

Provincial Grand Master Brother Stewart Quigley was first to tee off helping to raise a substantial sum for the Provincial Grand Lodge charity pot.

Photographs provided by Substitute Provincial Grand Master Brother Mike McAdams.

07 Oct 2024;
07:30PM -
Lodge Tay Union No.273
07 Oct 2024;
07:30PM -
Lodge Macduff No.940
07 Oct 2024;
07:30PM -
Lodge East Neuk No.185
08 Oct 2024;
07:00PM -
Lodge Minto No.385
08 Oct 2024;
07:15PM -
Lodge St. Kenneth No.1441
08 Oct 2024;
07:30PM -
St. Clair of Balbeggie 867