Grand Lodge of Scotland Installation Ceremony

The Installation Ceremony of the Grand Lodge of Scotland took place on Thursday 29th November 2018 within Freemasons Hall 96 George Street Edinburgh. The Grand Master Mason Bro. William Ramsay McGhee was installed into office by Right Worshipful Installing Grand Master Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont.

He then named as his Depute Grand Master Bro. Andrew Eadie Paterson and Substitute Grand Master Bro. John Francis Herrick.

The Grand Lodge office bearers were then installed into their various offices by Bro. Andrew Paterson Right Worshipful Depute Grand Master and Bro. John Herrick Right Worshipful Substitute Grand Master.

The Pro Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England Bro. Peter Lowndes and the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland Bro. Douglas Grey were both made Honorary Members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Past Grand Secretary Bro. David Begg was presented with a cheque as a token of appreciation to the work he has done for the Grand Lodge.

A number of Brethren from the province of Fife and Kinross travelled through to Edinburgh to attend the Grand Lodge Installation Ceremony and Festival of St. Andrew which was held in Edinburgh Corn Exchange.

Honorary Grand Rank was bestowed on three Brethren from the province of Fife and Kinross namely Bro. Donald Crichton Past Master of Lodge Kinnedar No.1239, Bro. Sydney Comfort Past Master of Lodge Union No.250 and Bro. Morris Scott Past Master of Lodge St. Andrew No.25.

During the celebrations at the Corn Exchange the Grand Master Mason presented a cheque to Prostate Scotland for the sum of £18,000.00 which was very gratefully received by Mr. Adam Gaines of the Charity Prostate Scotland. This raises the donations to Prostate Scotland from Scottish Freemasons to £450,000.

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018

  Grand Lodge Installation 2018

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018 

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018 

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018 

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018

 Grand Lodge Installation 2018


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