Lodge Oak No.877
A successful day Lodge Meeting was held today, Wednesday 12 June 2024 at Lodge Oak No.877. A good number of brethren from within the Province as well as visiting Provinces, witnessed a very well worked second or Fellow Craft Degree.
The degree team consisted of the RWM of Lodge Oak No.877 his office bearers and brethren of the Lodge.
There was also in attendance a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross who where headed by the Provincial Grand Master Brother Bill Rocks. The Provincial Grand Lodge deputation were delighted to have in their number The District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of Lebanon Brother Maurice Feghali and The District Grand Master of the Far East Brother Christopher M. Wong. Also in attendance were various Proxy Masters and Proxy Wardens representing Lodges within the District Grand Lodge of Lebanon, who had been invited to attend the meeting by Brother Andrew Paterson Past Master Lodge Oak No.877, Past Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross and Past District Grand Master of Lebanon.
Photographs provided by Brother Alan Morgan Provincial Grand Secretary.