Prudence RAC No.343

Prudence Royal Arch Chapter No.343 held a special meeting on Saturday 20 April 2024, when one Mark Master Mason was affiliated to the Mark Lodge held within Prudence Royal Arch Chapter, before being conducted through the ceremonies of the Excellent Master and Royal Arch Degrees.

The ceremonies were conducted by Royal Arch Companions who had been invited along to work the degrees. Also in attendance was the Provincial Grand Master Brother Bill Rocks representing Provincial Grand Lodge, Deputations from the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Fife and Kinross accompanied by members of Sister Provincial Grand Royal Arch chapters and a Deputation from the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland headed by the First Grand Principal W. Ramsay McGhee, who were all warmly welcomed into Prudence Royal Arch Chapter by the First Principal, Most Excellent Companion Jim Beveridge.

Photographs provided by Ally Scobie Provincial Grand First Sojourner.

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