Lodge Tay Union No.273
Bro. Bruce Smith was installed into office as Master of Lodge Tay Union No.273 and the Office Bearers into their various offices on Saturday 15th December 2018. Installing Masters on this occasion were Bro. Nicol Scobbie Past Master of Lodge Zetland No.391, Bro. Tom Bradley Past Master of Lodge Canmore No.1175 and Bro. Bruce Smith Snr Past Master of Lodge Tay Union No.273.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross was represented by Bro. Stewart Quigley Provincial Grand Master, with Bro. Alistair Marshall Provincial Grand Master of Stirlingshire also in attendance.
Bro. Bruce Smith R.W.M
Bro. Stewart Quigley R.W.P.G.M
Bro. Bruce Smith R.W.M
Bro. Bruce Smith Snr Installing Master
Bro. Bruce Smith R.W.M
Bro. Nicol Scobbie Installing Master
Bro. Tom Bradley Installing Master
Bro. Alistair Marshall R.W.P.G.M Stirlingshire
Bro. Bruce Smith R.W.M
Bro. Stewart Quigley R.W.P.G.M Fife & Kinross
Master and Family