Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.1184

Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.1184 celebrated 100 years as a Masonic Lodge on Saturday 1st June 2019 within the Masonic Trust, Admiralty Road, Rosyth, Fife. The Lodge was opened by Bro. Stewart McKay R.W.M, Office Bearers and Brethren thereafter a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross headed by the Provincial Grand Master Bro. Stewart Quigley followed by the deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland who were headed by the Most Worshipful  Grand Master Mason Bro. William Ramsay McGhee were warmly welcomed into the Lodge by the R.W.M.

Grand Lodge then commenced the rededication ceremony which was carried out in an exemplary fashion by Bro. McGhee assisted by the Grand Wardens, Grand Director of Ceremonies and Grand Chaplain. Immediate Past Right Worshipful Substitute Grand Master Bro. Hugh Clelland then proceeded to rededicate and invest the master with his regalia of office.

R.W.M Bro. Graham Rugg of Lodge Rosyth No.1159 gave a short history of Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.1184.

At the conclusion of the ceremony the Brethren sat down to a fine meal followed by the usual toasts.

Photographs provided by Bro. Ian W. Derrick the Lvdge of Dunfermling No.26.

Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.118

Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.118


Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.118

Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.118

Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.118

Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.118

Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.118

Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.118

Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.118

Lodge St. Margaret's Hope No.118

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